Women’s Book Group
The St. George’s Women’s book group meets monthly in members’ homes on the second Saturday of the month from 3-5 pm. The group has been meeting since 2008 and is open to all women in the parish. The book discussion, attended typically by 8 to 12 women is preceded by an hour of food and conversation. We read a variety of books, including memoirs, fiction, and non-fiction, frequently on the topic of social justice. Books are proposed all during the year and are chosen by group vote. See the list below for the books for 2024.
The April meeting will be during the Women’s retreat on April 22, the July meeting will be a movie-pizza evening starting at 5pm, and there will be no November meeting because of a conflict with the parish retreat.
This group has sponsored a Guatemalan child by paying education fees at the HELPS International school in Santa Avelina, since 2012. We were inspired to start this project by one of our readings, Half the Sky.
Since 2013, the book group has also organized a spring weekend retreat to a beautiful retreat center in the Texas hill country. The retreat is open to all women of the parish, and we enjoy meals, conversation, spiritual activities, common worship and board games.
See the What’s Happening page for information on the next meeting and how to join the group.
2025 Book Group Reading List:
January 11, 2025 The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho