Making worship services happen requires the participation and leadership of many people, not just the ordained clergy. At St. George's, as at many Episcopal churches, lay people prepare the altar for the Eucharist, greet and assist people coming to church, carry the processional cross, read the Scripture lessons, lead the Prayers of the People, and serve communion. For more information about any of these ministries, please contact the leader listed below or the church office ( or 512-454-2523). There are many opportunities to get involved!

Altar Guild

Members of the Altar Guild are responsible for behind-the-scenes preparation and clean-up for all worship services at St. George's, which include two services each Sunday, all special days during the liturgical year, weddings, and funerals. The Altar Guild also polishes the silver and brass used in worship and cares for the church linens, hangings, and vestments. Members generally serve one week per month in teams of two.

Ministry Leader:  to be determined, contact the church office

Lectors and Intercessors

Lectors read the scripture lessons, and Intercessors lead the congregation in the Prayers of the People, during Sunday morning and other services.

Ministry Leader:  Mark Casstevens

Lay Eucharistic Ministers

Lay Eucharistic Ministers, along with the clergy, serve communion to the congregation, as well as assist the clergy in preparing the altar for Holy Communion. 

Ministry Leader:  Jan Phillips


Ushers greet parishioners to services and help seat those who need assistance. They are also responsible for tidying the church after each service and retrieving the children and youth who are participating in our Sunday School programs, so that they can rejoin the service and receive communion with their families.

Ministry Leader:  Herb Dickson


Acolytes carry the cross and torches during Sunday and other services. This role is open to any parishioner, but it is a particularly appropriate way for youth to become involved in worship leadership.

Ministry Leader:  to be determined, contact the church office

Flower Guild

The members of the St. George’s Flower Guild provide the beautiful arrangements of seasonal flowers and greenery near the altar each Sunday (except during Advent and Lent). These dedicated parishioners procure the blooms from the source of their choice, including their own gardens, arrange them in vases, and bring them to the church on Sunday morning. If working with flowers and preparing them for the Sunday altar might bring you joy or be of interest to you, please consider being a part of this ministry.

Ministry Leader: Frances Rickard