Services at St. George’s
Sunday, April 13 PALM SUNDAY
10:30 a.m. The service begins outdoors, in front of the Wright House, where we take part in the Liturgy of the Palms and process with palm branches to the church. Service includes a dramatic reading of the Passion Gospel.
Monday, April 14 MONDAY IN HOLY WEEK
Noon Service of Holy Eucharist
Tuesday, April 15 TUESDAY IN HOLY WEEK
Noon Service of Holy Eucharist
Wednesday, April 16 WEDNESDAY IN HOLY WEEK
Noon Service of Holy Eucharist
Thursday, April 17 MAUNDY THURSDAY
7:00 p.m. Service of Holy Eucharist, with footwashing, a shared agapé meal, and stripping of the Altar. Bring fruit, cheese, bread, other finger foods, wine, or juice to share at the agapé meal.
Gethsemane Vigil
From the end of the Maundy Thursday service until the start of the Good Friday service, you are invited to keep watch with the sacramental bread and wine reserved for the Good Friday service, in remembrance of Jesus’s plea to his disciples to “stay awake for one hour with me.” A sheet will be available on the table at the south entrance to the church on which you may sign up for one-hour shifts during the hours of the vigil.
Friday, April 18 GOOD FRIDAY
Noon Good Friday service, with Eucharist from the reserved sacrament., followed by Stations of the Cross for those who wish to stay.
Sunday, April 20 EASTER DAY
Services of Holy Eucharist at 7 and 10:30 a.m., with choral music and flowering of the cross at 10:30, followed by children’s Easter egg hunt and reception on the lawn. Children may bring flowers for the cross and leave a dozen plastic eggs for the egg hunt in the Wright House before the service begins.