Wednesday Weavings

Wednesday Weavings, St. George's adult discussion group, meets the first and third Wednesdays of each month in different locations, from 6:30 to 8:00 pm. We share a simple meal, a short time of centering prayer, and discussion on a selected reading for the evening. We are currently reading the book Formed by Love, by Scott Bader-Saye, Academic Dean at the Seminary of the Southwest and a former Grace Series presenter at St. George's. (Please contact Frances Rickard or the church office if you need a copy of the book.) Please bring a contribution for the salad bar meal (for example, fruit, vegetable, or crunchy toppings).

  • September 6, home of Frances 8 John Rickard
  • September 20, home of Gayle & James Wall

Contact Frances Rickard or the church office with any questions. We hope to see you there!

Women's Book Group

The St. George's Women's Book Group meets monthly at various locations on Saturday afternoons from 3:00 to 5:00 pm, to discuss a variety of books suggested by our members. All St. George's women are welcome to attend; this group is open and welcoming of all. We hope you can join us for interesting conversation, delicious snacks, and our book discussion.

  • September 9, home of Belinda McGhee, Above the East China Sea, by Sarah Bird
  • October 14 [date tentative]location TBD

Contact Sandra Villalaz or the church office  with any questions. Happy reading!

SAFE Alliance Comfort Bags

Three or four times a year, St. George’s creates and gives hand-crafted bags filled with both necessities and luxuries to the SAFE Alliance, to be given to women and men who are undergoing clinical exams for and official reports of sexual assault. And it’s now time for us to create more bags!

  • Our next sew-in to create the bags will be on Sunday, September 10th, after the 10:30 service, with lunch provided. You can help greatly even if you can’t sew, since we need cutters, pressers and ribbon stringers. We will also need sewing machines, irons, ironing boards, scissors, thread, seam rippers, and safety pins. Donations of fabric and ribbon are appreciated! This is a wonderful community event and a lot of fun for all participants. Please join us – it’s more fun if you’re there!
  • We will stuff and assemble bags on Sunday, September 24th, after the 10:30 service. We will need many hands to assemble that many bags, so please bring your willing hands.
  • During the 10:30 service on Sunday, October 1st, we will present the bags we have created and filled at the altar to be blessed before we deliver them to the SAFE Alliance to distribute to survivors of sexual assault.

Thank you for your continued support of this important ministry! Please contact Sarah Campbell or Hollie Gordon or the church office with any questions.

The Bishop is Coming!

The Right Reverend Dena Harrison, Bishop Suffragan of the Diocese of Texas, will be with us on Sunday, September 17th, at the 10:30 service. All four bishops in our diocese spend much of their time with congregations throughout the diocese in order to provide whatever support and guidance the parishioners and clergy need, and to maintain connections between the various parishes of our far-flung diocese. While here, Bishop Dena will preside and preach at the Eucharist, as well as administer the sacrament of Confirmation and preside at the rites of Reception and Reaffirmation of Faith (BCP, pages 412-419) for participants in the Discovery Class.

The sacrament of Confirmation is a mature, public reaffirmation of the Christian faith and of the promises made at one's baptism. It is administered by a bishop because bishops serve as symbols of the wider Church and its continuity throughout the centuries. Confirmations performed in most other Christian traditions are considered valid in the Episcopal Church, so those confirmed in such a tradition who now wish to join the Episcopal Church do not need to be confirmed again. They may participate in the rite of Reception, in which an Episcopal Bishop receives them into the Episcopal Church. At times, adult members of the Episcopal Church wish to publicly reaffirm their faith, either because they've returned to the church after a period of absence, or because they've come to a new understanding of their faith which they wish to acknowledge liturgically. The rite of Reaffirmation provides an opportunity to do so with the blessing of a bishop, and may be repeated as many times as one feels called to do so.

Outreach Meeting

Please join us on Sunday, September 24, from 9:30-10:30 am (between the services), in the Wright-Giles House, for an Outreach meeting. Coffee and donuts provided! Anyone interested in any of our church's many outreach projects is welcome. We will discuss our current projects and new ideas for ways to faithfully engage with and serve our larger community, as we are called to do as followers of Christ. Please contact Hollie Gordon or the church office with any questions.

Have you ever wondered about the bread St. George’s uses at our Eucharist? Many years ago one of our previous rectors, John Price, brought the recipe back from a retreat he attended at the Benedictine Monastery in Pecos, New Mexico. We have used it ever since.

Would you like to join our list of bakers? If so, please join a Make and Bake session on Saturday, September 30th, from 1:00 to 3:00 pm in Kleberg Hall, hosted by Gayle Wall. All are welcome – anyone interested in learning to make the bread rounds and any of our current bakers who would like to refresh their skills. Gayle will furnish all the needed supplies and a recipe you can take home. The recipe contains no yeast so it isn’t an all-day affair.

Please RSVP to Gayle or the church office by Thursday, September 28. But feel free to join us even if you haven’t RSVP’d – drop-ins are welcome!

bread-baking workshop

Due to weather, the Worship Leadership Training originally scheduled for August 27th was cancelled. It will be rescheduled, but the date has not yet been determined.

Making worship services happen requires the participation and leadership of many people, not just the ordained clergy. Here at St. George's, as at many Episcopal churches, lay people prepare the altar for the eucharist, greet and assist people coming to church, carry the processional cross, read the Scripture lessons, lead the Prayers of the People, and serve communion. Many of you have participated in these ministries over your time at St. George's, and many more of you may feel called to! If you currently participate in worship leadership at St. George's in any way, or if you are interested in the possibility of doing so, please plan to attend an upcoming Worship Leadership Training . After coffee, goodies, and fellowship in Kleberg Hall, we'll head back to the Church and learn about the many ways we can faithfully and lovingly lead God's people in worship. For more information, please contact Father Kevin at

Worship Leadership Training

When a month has five Sundays, St. George's takes advantage of the "extra" Sunday by holding a potluck lunch in Kleberg Hall after the 10:30 service, where we enjoy good food and fellowship. Our next Fifth Sunday Potluck is on Sunday, October 29. This is a great opportunity for extra visiting time with church friends and guests. Bring something to share if you can, but if you can't bring anything, don't let that keep you away. There's always plenty to go around!

Fifth Sunday Potluck

See The Banner for more information on these and other things happening around St. George's.